A blog all about Imperial Guard in Warhammer 40k

Saturday, 7 December 2013

The Blog Begins

Hello and welcome to Warhammer Imperial Guard,  a blog that will be all about the Imperial Guard in Warhammer 40k. I have been playing 40k for around a year now and have owned small Chaos Space Marine, Dark Angels, Tau and Ork armies. As such I am not a very experienced painter, modeller or player but I have had some experience painting military vehicles and planes over the years. As such I would like this blog to cover as many of these aspects as much as possible.

I have only recently started my Imperial Guard army after a impulse buy at a local hobby shop. After reading the backstory and learning more about the characters and units of the Imperial Guard that I realised that I actually quite liked them. As I previously said I have had a Tau army but with everyone jumping on the Tau bandwagon these days and the codex taking out a lot of the Tau's character as a mobile, tactically challenging army I decided wanted a change. Like the Tau one of the main attractions to me was the Imperial Guard's variety in units and the unique army types and challenges it gives to the player.

Competitively I still believe that Imperial Guard still have the potential to be a highly competitive army in Warhammer 40k sixth edition as they have bundles of cheap troops (literally hundreds if you want), a huge variety of units and a very, very nasty heavy support section that can turn the tide of the game in your favour.

Tale of Painters tutorial of
how to paint Imperial Guard.
It can be found here.
I will be using the excellent Imperial Guard tutorial on Tale Of Painters to paint my Imperial Guard. My story for My army is inspired by one of the mini facts in the Codex about home defence forces, my army were a home defence force before their home world was taken over by Chaos, they managed to escape after being overwhelmed in commercial spaceships and now roam the galaxy fighting the Imperiums enemies seeking to seek gain forgiveness after leaving their homeworld. As such they had to fabricate their existence so they would not appear cowards and traitors.

I will try and update this blog as much as possible, at least once a week and possibly more.

I hope to see you then.

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